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Who or what am I?

Question 1
Who said, "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."?
Question 2
I was hired as the first Commissioner of Baseball after the Black Sox Scandal in 1919, who am I?
Question 3
I starred on "Saturday Night Live" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine", and I'm part of The Lonely Island. Who am I?
Question 4
What is a female BMX rider called?
Question 5
I wrote a "Sex" book in the 1990's and sang "Like a Virgin" and "Material Girl", who am I?
Question 6
What is the name of the mutated rat on "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"?
Question 7
I'm the title character on "The New Girl" and I'm played by Zooey Deschanel. Who am I?
Question 8
I'm a fictional British secret agent who's appeared in over 20 movies. Who am I?
Question 9
I was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that swore John F. Kennedy into office, who am I?
Question 10
My last film role before death was as the planet Unicron in "Transformers: The Movie", who am I?
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