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Everybody likes music, but how much do you know about it?

Question 1
What one-hit wonder is known for the 1992 song "No Rain"?
Question 2
What is American singer-songwriter Sufjan's surname?
Question 3
Elvis first appeared in what movie?
Question 4
The artist Halsey wrote this 2019 pop song about what night time activity?
Question 5
The album, Ill Communication, was released by which hip hop group or artist?
Question 6
Her last name was Haughton, and she died in a 2001 plane crash in the Bahamas. Who was she?
Question 7
Who managed the punk group The Sex Pistols?
Question 8
The treatment for what music video was inspired by the Lady Gaga was dropped from a major record label?
Question 9
Written in the 1970s, the song Love Really Hurts Without You was the first hit written by which performer?
Question 10
Which hit single is based on an adaptation of the Rolling Stones song 'The Last Time'?
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